
Where Fitness and Fun Become Friends

Had you asked me about a decade ago whether you would ever catch me at a gym, you would be faced with a side-eyed, are-you-kidding-me look that told you that absolutely NOT, never would that day come.

Of course, things have changed.

Four years ago, I decided it wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds in preparation for my brother's wedding to be held in Florida. I met with a personal trainer for the first few weeks only to confirm that I hate people telling me what to do, especially when it comes to eating and exercising. Too much, too little...I'll be the judge of that.

After weeks of kickboxing and weightlifting classes, I saw my body become more toned, but more surprisingly found that I actually liked going to the gym. Sadly, my eating habits did not change as much. My trainer friend put me on a diet of chicken and brown rice, five small meals a day, the whole nine only to have me fail miserably after only a day and a half. I do not like to be restricted.

Fast forward to 2011 and once again I find myself eager to hit the gym after a five month hiatus. But this time around I also find myself wanting to eat healthier, drink more water, less alcohol; all that stuff that seemed so 'un-fun' back in my early 20's. Instead of being told what to do by a trainer that will more than likely tell me I need to start running, I've found inspiration from a friend who leads a healthy lifestyle, has worked hard to drop weight and become fit and is well on her way to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer.

I read her blogs full of humor, fitness tips and her results and I nag her for her latest recipes, that which she gladly sends to me. To change a lifestyle, one needs some inspiration, some motivation and definitely a lot of fun. And fortunately, I am lucky enough to get all three from her as I watch her fitness journey unfold.

If you want to start changing your health habits, check her blog out at: http://jennylynn4fitness.wordpress.com/

Baby steps, my friends. Get moving...


Let's Begin...

My mind never shuts down. Even in sleep, I get answers. Even while dreaming, I see how the future is going to go. There are scribbled notes by my bed of ideas I had while asleep. There are texts to myself for ideas I don't want to forget. They don't all receive follow through. Some days I wonder, what exactly was I thinking? But, the point is that the ideas are there. The planning, the ambition, the focus, the expectation that success is not on the horizon; there is a daily barometer to measure if at the end of the day I succeeded in some way.

I do.

I can be thoughtful and quiet which can be interpreted as standoffish or stuck-up. I am assessing the situation. I am trying to figure out the ending to determine if it's worth the beginning. That's just how my mind works. I can be loud and sarcastic which can be interpreted as mean and obnoxious. Some days both interpretations are true.

I am inspired daily by those who embrace the opportunities presented to them. The ones who keep their complaints to a minimum, the ones who know what it's like to work, but more, the ones who know to put it all down and LIVE life.

The success that varies in definition from person to person. The success that determines what a person decided to value in their life. Is it money? Is it power? Is it love? Or, is it the constant anticipation for a story? A story that is filled with a combination of all the above, a story that makes the moment feel like a gift and those five steps ahead feel like one continuous, beautiful surprise.

Ready for some surprises? Let's take a moment...
